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By Amymina5

The Bloochiest Toonami April Fools Logo with Background

By amymina5

With a varied history since its initial start in 1997. Toonami has become an iconic staple within the American Anime Community. Over the years they have given us plenty of laughter and memories to look back fondly upon. Some of those moments however were so out of left field, that you had to have actually seen them to believe they happened. These are those moments.

Back in 1999, Toonami aired an April Fools prank that replaced the traditional Toonami logo with a bloochiest-looking abomination possible. Their mascot TOM had morphed from a sleek-looking robot into some kind of odd-looking mutant jellyfish and the classic blue color had been replaced with a retina-searing purple hue. The logo even sported what looked like a face with devil horns. It was so bad that it looked like it was created using Microsoft Paint. The prank was so well-received by fans that the logo has become a bit of a cult classic.

The logo has since been used in several Toonami-related projects, including a T-shirt that was sold at the 2018 San Diego Comic-Con. It has also been featured in several fan-made videos and memes. The logo has become so popular that it has even been used by other companies, such as the video game company Bandai Namco Entertainment.

The Bloochiest Toonami April Fools Logo is a reminder that even the most serious of brands can have a sense of humor. It is also a testament to the enduring popularity of Toonami, which has been entertaining fans for over two decades.
